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blue girl

Yay! Jennifer! of Saying Yes! (I'd link it, but I'm too lazy. It's 10pm, Monday night after all.)

You wouldn't believe my set up here.

I am like Archie Bunker with the perfect chair with the perfect view of the TV!

Someone, get me a beer!

Oooh, the show prior just showed their "To Be Continued.."

Here we go!


I like the helpful local cop's pride in his town.


"Does this look like a court to you, Matlock?" Already I don't believe John Goodman's what he's pretending to be.


Oh dear. Shark. Jump.


I had actually really liked the show
until about three minutes ago. Shit.


All right, Tom's challenging Harriet for the title of my least favorite character the show insists I love.

blue girl

I agree! What's going on? John Goodman's like...I've seen your show and I don't like it! -- Mannion said that three weeks ago!

I had to answer the phone and missed a few minutes. It's like a Western all of a sudden. What did I miss? What's going on?


Harriet still wins. Hey, can I comment even when live blogging???

blue girl

Commercial's on for Stickland!


Blackwell's down by 20 points!


Ok. Back to the show.


By the way, folks, the verify test thing isn't my doing. Typepad's playing a games again.

blue girl

Yeah, sure, Mannion.


Jennifer, being down here in the comments is like a waitress sitting down with the customers. Get back up there and back to work.


I'm with Steven Weber. She wants to meet Tom Jeter?


Now I'm with Brad. We've had this conversation.

blue girl

Does anyone else think West Wing guy looks *really* good tonight?

Well...he does!


Oh good. The gay guys are going to stomp Tom. Will they stomp Harriet too.


ok, I'm here on the west coast so I won't be seeing it for a few hours. Nonetheless, I hear John Goodman is in it. This worries me. Is the show cannibalizing all the interesting characters from "West Wing"? They already have the arrogant bald guy playing the exact same arrogant bald role that he played on "WW".

As for me, I'm thinking about liveblogging "1776" now playing on TCM. It's a (wait, as they say, for it) - musical based on the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It might be a worthy companion piece to a drama about a comedy that really isn't all that funny.

blue girl

A big fight's gonna break out. There's stomping on CDs. This show is definitely not meant to be any type of comedy. It's kind of bringing me down.



What musical number are they on in 1776. Let me know when they get to Is Anybody There?


Lance!!! I like the comments section better! It's more fun! Please don't make me go back!!!! Oh shit... it's on again.


This really is the most awesomely bizarre show.

Let's predict when they will show that Tom and Simon are gay. I thought it woulld be last week, but now I think it will be the last scene tonight, right before credits roll.


Sorkin's "comedy" is as lecturing as his drama.

blue girl

Jennifer! Can you get me a Cabernet?

I really need one.



It's too slow. Tom should have been arrested for the second time ten minutes ago. Now there's not enough time for him to be arrested a fourth time and they'll have to rush to get in the third.

blue girl

Why is this show expanding? When it needs to hover tighter? I don't get that. It needs to get sharper. And I'm just getting more confused.

Maybe it's just me.


Sure BG... I'm getting one for myself as well.

blue girl

You guys should see how *bad* the commercials are here in Ohio. They are soooo bad!

But, not as bad as Studio 60.

Mannion, you called this show the first night. I told you to give it a chance.

I owe you.


I agree with BG. It's not getting tighter. Oops.. sorry, I'm going back up top. :(



Good point!

blue girl

I should have said *political* commercials.


Amanda Peet seems to be trying to save the show all on her own with her cuteness.


The new writer's only job on this episode is to bring people just tuning in up to speed with a speech that DL Hughley stomps all over by repeating?

blue girl

If anyone cares what I think *right now* about West Wing Guy: Still cute.

And I don't mean to demean him. Don't mean to be a reversed sexist.

Ok. Yeah, I do.

So what.


Steven Weber's character's the only character in a comedy.


Good God, sweet Jesus, Jordan is lecturing on the history of Nevada. Look, was that a shark?


Perump is not a funny name. It's the kind of name someone without a sense of humor would think other people with senses of humor will think is a funny name.


Damn. A commercial for "Bobby." I'm already choking up and the move won't be out for two weeks. Damn.

M.A. Peel

Re: Lectures on Inane, Arcane subjects: Jordan is no Sam Seaborn.


Damn, MA Peel, now I'm choking up missing Sam.


My vote for best acting tonight: Daisy the bassett hound.

blue girl

My vote for best acting tonight: Daisy the bassett hound.

breadbox, I totally agree.


Jennifer, how did you read my mind about Amanda Peet? By the way, I dated a girl in high school who looked like Amanda Peet. She was the one before the girl who looked like Scarlett Johansson.

M.A. Peel

And while we're weeping for the greatness that once was, Steve Weber is voicing a strange, thinly veiled prognosis for the show, in the guise of the teetering career of Jordan!

blue girl

Stop bragging, Mannion!


OK, Jack storming into the sherriff's office with his black AMEX was truly funny. First chuckle all night.


Yep. I like the cop best.


Haven't we heard how Tom got extradited and why twice before this already?

James Wolcott

I must have tuned to the wrong channel. Warren Oates, in fly-specked sunglasses, is knocking back a bottle of tequila at a Mexican bar contemplating his own mortal ruin. Let's see--oh, there's Studio 60. But what's that dude cop from Reno 911 doing there? "To Be Continued"--what's up with that? The ten minutes I saw didn't suggest a lot of stretch appeal.


Oh good. A 2 part episode... that way when they
cancel it in between we have no idea what the
fsck was going on this week....


Now Matt Albi is telling us for a fourth time what happened in the first half of the show! Does Sorkin think that the opposite of what's happening to his show---people aren't tuning in late, they're tuning out early. The only people watching now are the people who have been paying attention!

blue girl

This live blogging has been really fun.

Because of all of *you.*

Not because of *The Show.*

I think I'm done with it.

I couldn't even get that snarky!

No fun in that!

Ick. I don't like The Show at all anymore.

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