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« Studio 60: Warm-up act | Main | Eyes of the beholder »


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blue girl

J, thanks for the reminder from last week. I didn't remember a thing except the Jesus garb and the western music. Which I couldn't stand.

They just had a preview for the office. Don't know the character's names, but those two young whippersnappers are *great* love birds. Definite spark there.


There is indeed a spark there and you don't need to be hit over the head with it week after week to convince you... you can get it from the freakin' commercial!!!

Tom W.

In my opinion (and this little fest has me catching up via downloads watched later on the train) the show should take its cue from an older classic that West Wing - I speak of MASH, where it was a yuck per minute mixed with relationships and serious themes. We get the "tension" and all the good-looking Type A folks walking and talking (where's Toby?) but where are the laughs?

Shakespeare's Sister

Hello, all! Oh--show's starting. Time to run upstairs...


Ed Asner's obsession with Macao is creepy. Or is it just the way he is Ma-cowwwwww?


I saw this episode last night, and I found it remarkably unsatisfying. Too damn much Harriet and Matt, for one thing. Oh well -- I'll shut up now, for fear of letting loose with spoilers.


No, Tom isn't in jail in a Marx Brothers movie. Tom is in jail in an I Love Lucy episode. Didn't they see Wolcott's comment here last week?


first of the recaps already...

blue girl

That's the guy from those credit card commercials. Good for him.

Tom W.

It's not like Harriet's Gilda Radner in the talent category, from what we've seen - more Lorraine Newman at best.


"Hit you in the head with Liberace?" Does Sorkin have a cultural reference that dates from after 1973?

blue girl

You now, the music is really cheesy, too. Just saying. If I were to have picked the music, I wouldn't have picked that music. Too cheeseball.


Tom W.

On a related matter, anybody know if the complete CPO Sharkey is out on DVD ... hmmm, what?


Tom W. Good to see you. You do realize that by showing up here you are mplicitly volunteering to do the live blogging chores yourself sometime?


i would like to see what happens if someone edits out of studio60 the most obviously inserted speeches. It could be... 12 min and more action shots. And then if you remove the would be 7 min.

blue girl

What would you have written, Mannion?

Doogie Howser?

Not there would have been anything wrong with that.

Tom W.

Cam I live-blog the Mayberry RFD reruns on Sunday night instead?


And CPO Sharkey was a funny show that wasn't given a chance.


The CPO Sharkey one where he saves the girl from being a punk rocker is classic.

Tom W.

One word - Rickles.

By way of Silver, of course.

Best line of the series: "The Lutheran Church. Good to know."


Licenses for journalists? How about licenses for playwrights who decide to write self-righteous TV shows?

blue girl

Ok. They slammed Ann Coulter. That's good!


Carol Channing? Carol Channing?

M.A. Peel

I really hope the Monday surprise is going to be that Martin Short, Sir Paul, Steve Martin and Tony Bennett are all going to pop out of the cell in Pahrump


Anita Bryant now? Who's next? Tommy Tune?

Tom W.

References are like the week's guests on the Mike Douglas show....


Wait for it, Tom. There'll be a Mike Douglas reference after the commercial.

Mr. Shakes


I've had enough. I'm going to hit you on the head with Liberace.

blue girl

Jennifer, I agree. I didn't think Cheeses of Nazareth was gouda at all.

If you didn't know.

I was being "dry" there.


Unless Sorkin opts for Merv Griffin.


It's ok for the judge to call the lawyer Matlock. Once. Twenty two times? No.


Who's the Brit chick?


Was there a Brit chick in any other episodes?

M.A. Peel

She looked a little like the Brit chick on Ugly Betty

blue girl

I liked the Brit chick and African American guy ping ponging it.


I think the Brit chick is in the wrong show.

Tom W.

Do you realize this blog is set to Pacific standard time? Based on the date stamps, we're really watching Simpsons or Seinfeld re-runs...or Hardball.

blue girl

Studio 60's workin'

We'll be the judge of that cutie pie...

blue girl

I would love to live blog Seinfeld re-runs!

Shakespeare's Sister

Does anyone know a good cure for repeated hits on the head with Liberace? Mr. Shakes has gone out of control.


I got it. The Brit chick must be from 30 Rock. She got mixed up and wandered onto the set of the wrong SNL show.

Tom W.

I'm sniffing the first hints of a Charo reference....maybe it is Merv Griffin.


Sis, when Mr Shakes hits you with Liberace, does he wear his safety goggles? One of those sequins goes flying and hits him in the eye, it'll be a night in the ER.

M.A. Peel

30 Rock is going to leave Studio 60 in the dust--Tina Fey is getting it together over there

blue girl

I've heard that credit card/sock routine on a different show...can't think of it.

Tom W.

30 Rock, Studio 60 - can there be a Dragnet '70 close behind?


If the Brit chick was really from 30 Rock, she would be funny.

Tom W.

Fraggle Rock mebbe...


Thuderdome? A cultural reference from the 80s. We're moving up here.


Matlock again. Couldn't once he call him Owen Marshall?

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