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Wow - thank you so much for the kind words! And I agree, there is so much more to the blogosphere than politics. It's enriched my life more than I can say.


Thank you, Lance, for putting it so eloquently. If people dismiss blogs, or reduce them to one or two variables, they are really misunderstanding what it means to be human. Because that's what blogging is: being human, in all it's weird and wonderful glory, out there where all the world can see, if it wishes to.

Alas that these people who fight strawbloggers not only don't see this, but don't want others to, either. It's worse than being a dog in the manger, because the dog at least recognized that the straw had some appeal to the horse, if not himself.

(Hmm. Is it just me, or does "strawblogger" look just a little too much like "strawberry"? The afternoon, it does weigh heavy on the brain...)

The Heretik

A fine tale about the tails.


I read a lot of political blogs (although recently, a lot of my regulars seem less about the dissemination of information linking to more in-depth coverage and a lot more about the frenzy of minor "gotcha" moments in the war between the right and the left.)

And then I read other blogs where I have no idea what their political leanings are...irrelevant to the quieter life topics discussed. I was just reminded of it today when some politics snuck into a blog on house painting.

And here's where I come for it all. I do like when you cover some of the political insanity though because you present such a clear case. It means I can stand behind you and say "yeah - what he said!"


merci mille fois, Lance. :)

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