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« The female narcissist on top. Part 2. | Main | Carrie in the mirror »


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The Heretik

The devil always has been within. It's only when we let it out that things get squirrely.

tom truthful

LM: the Dean and I are working our way through Season 3, so I'm a bit behind you. (Interesting to note our reactions to her "cheating" with Big while with Adin. I've been there; the Dean is all pro-Adin. Who can blame her?!)
You raise an interesting conundrum, which you probably address more in Part 2. In the voice of Miss Carrie: "Can we choose between our vanities and our ambitions?"
In some respects the show - at least through 2&1/2 seasons - is all about that choice. Is it a sophist argument? Can we ever balance (much less satisfy) the drive of our ambitions with the needs of our vanities?
Often the vehicle by which the show explores this dilemma is the over-thirty single woman's search for wedded bliss. (It appears that Miss Charlotte is about to get a "twofer" with Bunny but, please, no one spoil the fun for us.) That this search takes place in Manhattan, among four friends who - so far - never resort to competing with each other is, of course, what makes "Sex and the City" a sundae, and not just two scoops of vanilla with some Bosco on top. (Note to neophytes like myself - borrow, beg or steal the dvds; don't try to follow it in syndication. Not because the Fbomb is deleted, but because entire scenes are...scenes that are often hilarious and integral to the plot flow.) Nuff said. On to Part 2....

blue girl

Mannion, this post made me race right out to the video store tonight to rent this episode. It is my *favorite.* I just *love* it.

I appreciate the insight you have into Carrie the wanna-be model. And I really liked how you pointed out how the writers treated the fashion industry with respect.

I especially liked this...

There's also the false modesty of the secretly vain at work. Consciously, Carrie knows she does not look like a model. Secretly, she wishes she did. Below that, though, is the hope that she does and, a little more deeply buried but not totally repressed, is the happy, self-thrilling knowledge that she is beautiful and sexy and will look great out there on the runway.

I don't think she's afraid of falling in love with herself as a model though. I think she knows the truth. She knows she *can be* pretty and sexy, but not Heidi Klum beautiful and sexy. She knows she's too short and *you know that she knows* that she's a clutz.

That's why she knows to tuck it all away at the end.

But she pulled it off out on the runway. Yay!

Tom, it's funny that you say this show is a sundae. This episode is my hot fudge sundae.

Me likey!

....Okay. For people reading this who don't know what that last line means, it's a line from the episode. Not just me being goofy.



I love Kristina Ti !!!

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