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"Democracy being a string of puppet governments in Iraq, Iran, and Syria, friendly to Israel and even friendlier to American oil companies."

I guess that makes you one of those far left wackos Chris Matthews was talking about. :-). Is this definition of democracy conventional wisdom yet? Or do people really believe in this being a noble cause wherein this is the new 'white man's burden'?

What scares me is this, even if you assume everyone knows we are not building true 'democracies' but puppet regimes will the people bother enough to raise a stink, or will they be happy enough as long as the oil flows in?


Carter is often remebered as a failed president (gas lines, stagflation, hostages in Iran), but the ideas and policies he tried to implement have been shown to be correct.

IRAN: Do everything possible to get the hostages back alive - DONE

ENERGY: Make the country less dependent on foreign sources of oil - NOT DONE; we are like crack whores and the Middle east is the supplier. Also NOT DONE - continue federal funding of alternate energy sources - all cut by Reagan.

Economy: Have a recession to cut inflation - DONE by Reagan; he kept Paul Volker as Fed Chairman and Volker kept interest rates high, cutting down the amount of money flowing thru the economy, resulting in high unemployment and a lower value of the dollar. Result - inflation controlled, which meant the dollar was worth more, which meant people wanted to buy more, which resulted in more jobs (the Reagan tax cuts played a very small part in this).

Bush says he's a Christian, but his policies have resulted in tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of deaths. Carter is a Christian and during his administration there was no wholesale killing like we have now.


Something I've always wondered: How did that speech Carter gave get tagged with the "malaise" theme, when it never appeared in the speech? Was it another case of headline writers gone bad?


I'm Nargess Kiaee from Iran and I need to write you Mr. Presiden Jimmy Carter.
Please send my request to him.

Kindest, Nargess


I would just like to comment on the amount of grammatical errors in this article. To be considered an educated person, one must sound educated. This author clearly does not. The fact that the author takes a cadet perspective on the interpretation of the President’s speech is also laughable. If he was actually there for the speech, he would have heard a multitude of cheers coming from the graduating class and the rest of the corps. I was present for the speech. Phil Brown, the sophomore who was quoted in the article, was separated from the academy.
Also, to respond to one of the comments made in another post only about 15% of the crude oil we receive comes from the Middle East. The majority of the oil we import comes from Latin America. Paul Volker controlled the economy by running extremely high interest rate. This then caused an increase in personal savings and capital inflows. President Reagan was incorrect about "supply-side" economics, but the public believed him. Economics is based as much on speculation as it is on hard science; therefore the tax cuts did have a physiological effect.

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