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Viscount LaCarte


I've been fan of TOS since it was still a network show, and I believe you nailed it. Indeed, the Viscountess bought me (us!) the entire series on DVD and he have been watching the episodes in their original broadcast order. Every word you say about the optimistic vision of the future rings true, never mind the bits about the "new guy" who gets it to advance the plot.

The "doomed new guy" bit reminds me of "Galaxy Quest" by the way, which I think is brilliant.

Keep up the good work. I will be back often.


Galaxy Quest is terrific. Thanks for reminding me. Suddenly, I hav tonight's post!

Anne Laurie

Ah, GALAXY QUEST... James Doohan was a genuinely nice man, a more-than-competent character actor who was the first Trek-star to realize just how that underbudgeted, critically unloved, short-run piece of pop culture had somehow assumed an importance to people out of all proportion to its artistic virtues. And it wasn't the scenario ("Wagon Train to the Stars" being a not unreasonable description), or the writing, or the acting. It wasn't what was explicitly said or done in the show... it was the possibilities inherent in what wasn't written or shown. The original Star Trek helped a lot of people believe that there was a place for human virtues in the universe, be it never so vast. It assumed that every individual, be they a scenery-chewing ham in cheap velour or a silicon-based f/x lump, was entitled to their own dignity. And that's why GALAXY QUEST was not only a great satire but a good movie as well. Remember the scene where the Alan Rickman character, holding a dying alien, realizes that none of his vaunted "Shakespeare at the Royal Vic" turns will ever mean as much to another individual as his self-despised latex-for-the-paycheck stint on that crappy serial? That's the kind of moment I look for in the movies I love -- something where an actor shows that kind of self-awareness, or dignity, or individuality. I'm not describing this well; it's a sort of "I know it when I see it" quality. If it were easy to describe, I suppose, it wouldn't be Acting -- possibly this is part of the difference between a good book and a good movie. "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and I have not Charity, I shall be as a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal"... There are a lot of sounding brass & tinkling symbols available on film, but that Charity thing is rare & precious.

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