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A fine origin myth, but reality makes a better story. It's too bad there isn't a Lipton in charge of the company today.



Don't tell me you're another tea nut! The boys' Uncle Merlin is a tea fanatic and he's done extensive research into the history of tea, the results of which he has not kept to himself. So I've heard the story and you're right, the reality is fascinating. Uncle Merlin says that the history of tea is the history of the modern Western World.

Still, Uncle Fred in the Springtime is worth reading too.


I loves me some Wodehouse, but I like learning something I'd never known before even more. Domoni, that's a wonderful business story. Thanks.

I just ran across Lipton's "Cold Brew" bags, and they beat the powdered instant stuff by yards.


can somebody please help me with Mark Twain's 'at the funeral', i understand some of it but not really.. i'm confused! please somebody help to explain it to me

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