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What if your dog knew the decedent?


I wonder if Twain really did observe a funeral complete with dog? I suppose back in the late 19th century it was entirely possible; I can't imagine it now. Surely Jessica Mitford would have mentioned it.

Exiled in NJ

When I lived upstate, my dog made her presence felt at the bank, where she would put her paws on the counter to make a biscuit withdrawal. She was welcomed at the Jiffy Lube, the anteroom at the post office and one or two other places of renown. I doubt that she had read Twain, for when we had a service for my wife, Farfel's 90 lbs of fur made their home in front of the table that held the baked ziti. It is hard to deny a large mop of a sheepdog.


Isn't Twain the most delightful? Ah, I get all fangirl when I talk about Twain. Did you get that from "Mark Twain's Helpful Hints for Good Living: A Handbook for the Damned Human Race"? That's a fine compilation.

I named my blog after a Twain satire, "Journalism in Tennessee," which includes the line: "Now that is the way to write—peppery and to the point. Mush-and-milk journalism gives me the fan-tods."


What does Mark Twain mean by "Do not bring your dog?" What's the meesage he is trying to say?


I think he's just being facetious with the "Do not bring your dog." part.


I'm in highschool, and i have to write an essay this weekend about this peice. I was intstucted to analyze his attitude [obviously humorous, and rather carefee], how he createsd humor in the peice, and to consider items such as tone, diction, selection of detail, and the use of the unexpected [which im sure is the dog part]
any advice as to what to include?
im kinda in a stump.

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