Other night, dashed up to Monomoy Coffee for a late night cup of the necessary. In the door ten minutes before closing. No one in the place but the girl behind the counter and a teenage boy sitting on a stool by the front window. The girl is tall, almost six feet, and has long black hair that reaches to her waist. The boy is deeply tanned, has curly blond hair, and wears a khaki baseball cap pushed back far on his head. He works here too, but not tonight. He's stopped in to chat.
Boy: You work with that girl Rachel?
Girl: Sometimes. (She seems to know what's coming.)
Boy: She's driving me nuts!
Girl: I know what you mean.
Boy: I can't stand it!
Girl: You can handle her. Do what I do. I just give her orders. I say, Rache, time to fill the creamers. Rache, can you grind some more of the house blend? Rache, mix up a new batch of this or we're out of that or could you run out back and bring in some more fliters. Rache, you have to take in the sign now, we're closing.
Boy: That's how I deal with her, but I feel weird. I mean, I've worked here what? Like five days longer than she has?
Girl: You're better than she is in the mornings. You have to take charge. Some people need a lot of direction.
I think you actually got lost on the set of Friends.
Posted by: Shakespeare's Sister | Saturday, July 23, 2005 at 01:11 PM
She sounds like a Cheney apprentice. "Exercise presidential authority, man!"
Posted by: Linkmeister | Saturday, July 23, 2005 at 02:06 PM
I am going through the same thing everyday directing a guy, who joined the same time. It is extremely frustrating to do the work of two people as most times, I end up doing his job. I am not sure if I am encouraging him to slack off by doing this.
Getting a bit serious, is it fair if I do not help him all the time and let him do his work himself. Or is it selfish? I am really conflicted and also angry that I have to keep looking out for him to not screw up.
Posted by: Samuel | Saturday, July 23, 2005 at 03:20 PM
I want that tall girl to tell me: "Go and post meta-carnival #6", "now go and write the review of "The Good Father", "now write I'm Gone Country #2", "how about something educational or scientific today?" I'd be a much better blogger!
Posted by: coturnix | Saturday, July 23, 2005 at 04:31 PM
I do not need direction. Not that much. Or do I?
Posted by: Rachel | Saturday, July 23, 2005 at 04:38 PM
Before I have coffee in the morning, I have no direction.
Posted by: mac macgillicuddy | Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 12:12 PM