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blue girl

"I'm too busy when I'm on the beach keeping an eye on my kids and watching out for interesting flora and fauna, like the flocks of piping plovers clumsily skedadling across the water this evening.  If it's possible to waddle in flight, these plovers were waddling on the wing."

Really pretty sentences, Lance! They were dancing off my tongue!


I used to call this the Michael Caine syndrome. Notice how he'd always get the gorgeous babes in movies, yet he wasn't very attractive. Same thing with Jack Nicholson.

Women look beyond men's looks. Really, we do. Unless you're Brad Pitt. Then we need look no further.


Women look beyond men's looks? I'm kind of bad about that. I am really shallow and love to gawk at good-looking men.

Maybe since my generation has the "metrosexual" thing going on, the discrepancy will disappear when we're middle-aged and men are taking care of themselves, as well.


Matt Feeney, writing in Slate, wondered how come every TV sitcom featured a fat slob of a husband married to a svelte and beautiful wife.

Not only are the husbands portrayed as fat slobs, but they are usually stupid fat slobs too. The wife is always the rational voice in the story, bringing common sense to the husband's idiocy or solving his petty screw-ups or problems.

I guess that's how it is in real life?

mac macgillicuddy

"I'm telling you, few Boomer and Gen X men have reason to complain when their wives watch Desperate Housewives."

First of all, I don't think my wife watches Desperate Housewives. Anyway, if she does, she doesn't tell me about it. But if she did -- THAT would be my complaint. That she's watching Desperate Housewives.

What an utterly stupid, dim-witted, short-on-imagination show that is, with a bunch of stars who don't bother -- or can't -- act. Hey, I heard that show was nominated for a bunch of Emmys. But that can't be true. (Can it?)

As for the beach thing -- I don't know if I'm a Baby Boom guy, or a Gen X guy. I think my year is kind of in between. But I still married a woman 10 years younger than I am. For a lot of reasons -- none of them having to do with her being younger than I (but one of the fringe benefits is that no matter how old I get, I'll always be married to a hot young babe).


Agit, well, there are some who say that's how it works in my house. Amanda took care of that side of the dumb sitcoms in a post a couple weeks back. If I get a chance I'll dig up the link---after we get back from the beach. Yes, I'm bringing my binoculars. If Amanda stops back in maybe she can drop the link .


"Women look beyond men's looks"? No. Women marry guys when the guys are young and decent-looking, and then the guys let themselves go to pot because there's really no reason not to. Women, on the other hand, take care of themselves because society says they should.

I wonder how many of those paunchy guys complain about how, at some point after they got married, their wives stopped wanting sex. Hmm. Wonder why....

Sorry. It's a funny, good-natured post that doesn't really deserve a cranky response.


Aaaaah! Now I understand why older women always ogled me....


Growing up, and being what Lance calls "bookish" (see archived posts), I always looked up to my Dad as a model of staying in shape. He's 80 now, and he's still in superior condition!
Of course, I have extra incentive (besides actually liking to work out, strenuously) to keep it up, because among gay men of my age it's a slippery slope into Daddy-hood, and that's not exactly my ego-ideal.


Dr B, your comments are always much appreciated, no matter how cranky.

Coturnix, you mean they don't ogle you anymore or do you mean that now it's the younger women ogling you? It's that Speedo, isn't it?


Baby Boomer men, on the whole, are looking like their great-great-grandfathers did, paunchy, jowly, stolid and dull, resembling Grover Cleveland far more than they do Dennis Quaid.

Yes, but just wait until they've saved up enough hermit crabs to pay for their extreme makeovers and gastric by-pass surgeries.

Those out-of-shape baby-boomers are only a nip-'n-a-tuck away from Al Roker.


THANK YOU. No kiddin'. In my city, the women are always outshining the men. However, both women and men still stir up the myth of the woman who "let herself go," who got hitched and then went all blimpy on her husband.

Why that's still trotted out, I'll never know because I sure am seeing a bunch of potbellies out there.

Amanda Marcotte

The myth that women let themselves go because of the security of marriage always perplexed me as well. Women are made constantly aware that marriage is not fidelity insurance. The frequency of male adultery has always been an open secret in America and cheated-upon women are frequently blamed for their inadequacies. So how could any wife feel free to let herself go when she knows that if she does and her husband cheats, society will blame her for being an inadequate sex partner for her?

Amanda Marcotte

*him Sorry. Terri Hatcher's breasts distracted me.


Hmmm. I wonder if this post can somehow be related to the nice guys getting laid meme.


have you seen mrs. rick santorum? no trophy wife she. no wonder mr. santorum is fixated on other people's sex life.

before being accused of lookism, let me assure you, i appreciate the dignity of a handsome woman, but i'd be hard pressed to describe rick's wife. she makes mrs. doubtfire look like a babe.



I'm not going anywheres near the nice guys meme. I tried to think of something to say about it, but I kept hearing Springsteen singing Glory Days in my head.

harry near indy


i'm terri, and these are my breasts.

they're real, and they're SPECTACULAR.


je ne parle pas tres bien anglais sorry

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