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You captured that bittersweet feeling perfectly. I'll buy you a Carl's Jr. burger next time you're in town.


Heartless little bastard, Peter - and those final passages can squeeze you like a sponge if you're over 18. Barrie was a true weasel when it came to tapping sentimentality about childhood. It should be resisted.
What's thrilling to me about the 4th grader's excitement is that it's so full of awe before an aesthetic (not to put too fancy a label on it) experience. He's all hope that it will be great (and, George, don't you let him down!) - but even if it's only up to decent in his later memory, he should hold on to that wide-openness. Expectation is not preconception, and nothing kills clear sight, honest judgment or joy faster than carting second-hand attitudes and opinions along with you. For him as a movie-goer (or reader, or whatever...), I say Keep Hope Alive.


Saw it last night with the Junior and we had a blast! Of course, the first one is now #4 - I got used to that a while ago.


Link, Finally! A good reason to visit Hawaii.

I checked Carl Jr's website. They don't have any franchises east of the Rockies.


"I checked Carl Jr's website."

Ah, but they have Paris Hilton washing a Bentley.


I guess no one had the heart to tell the kid that Episode I was a really, really bad film.

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