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Amen. I was with my parents last week, and every time we were waiting around to leave for somewhere, my father would turn on CNN and then get apoplectic and start spewing about damned Condi, or whoever happened to be on the screen. I told him to stop watching the news, it only raises his already high blood pressure, and it's all bullshit anyway. The only good thing I got out of watching news programming with my father in the past week was that I learned on "60 Minutes" that a philosophy professor from Princeton has written a treatise on bullshit. I think I need to buy it for my dad.

Thanks Lance.


Another excellent use for the chainsaw is on your television. Just connecting the dots.


"I use the chain saw to carve turkey. Yea, I use it to shave. For the chain saw ROCKS. Fear it not."

LOL Lance :)

"But another reason I am, marginally, more optimistic and cheerful than your average blogger is that I don't watch TV news.

No CNN. No Fox. No 60 Minutes. No Jennings, Rather, or Brokow, when it was Jennings, Rather, and Brokow---I don't even know who has replaced Rather or Brokow. No Nightline. No Sunday morning shout fests and clown shows.

I don't even watch the local news.

All I know is what I read in the newspapers.

And on the web."

I canceled Cable ( I recommend it to everyone) and also get all my news via the Web. I actually think that I can find much more interesting news on the web, and when I last had cable, the CNN bit on bloggers proved, they no longer have a news monopoly the way they thought they had. Bloggers and independent news sites do not all agree with the corporate masters, hence, news we can digest. I myself get queasy whenever I hear the news on Cable, as it is filled to the brim with apologists and tools...

The Heretik

If we have government of the people, by the people, for the people, and we decide government is the problem, we are deciding we the people are the problem.

Damned right.

PZ Myers

I think the television news is committing slow suicide. I've also tuned it out almost completely, and now when I do happen to flip through a channel like CNN or Fox News or MSNBC, I'm just kind of horrified at how petty and stupid it has become. Distracting glitz splattered on the screen, the same dozen talking heads, the superficial level of analysis -- it's crap. And if you ever look at a transcript of one of those news shows, it's appalling how little information is actually transmitted.

Gray Lensman

We haven't watched any teevee for 15 years and haven't read the local rags for at least 10 years. I follow a few blogs and read a couple "papers" on the 'net. I read books (just finished the new Sherlock set and about to start on O'Brian for the 4th time) and mags, watch some DVD's, listen to and play some music.

Haven't missed a thing. Great for my hypertension.

No teevee; take back your brain. Life's too short.


My TV is for watching:
a. more movies
b. TCM - you do have to admire an American TV channel that has had a Dreyer festival and a Bunuel festival
c. Deadwood
d. old TV shows on DVD
e. IFC Samurai Saturdays
f. BBC News

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