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blue girl

Did you see Dennis Miller on The Daily Show last week? It was sad. When he first came out, he said, something like -- "Gee, I wish I had an audience like this." He seemed very deflated -- until Jon Stewart let him just ramble -- I guess to let him take advantage of a studio audience that used to be into him. I, of course, just yelled at the TV like I usually do, "Whaddya expect, you Bush-defending half-wit!"

I have right-wing friends SO proud Dennis is "on their side" -- a lot of good it's doing Dennis....and now all the talk about "South Park Republicans."


The attack on 9/11 was very specifically aimed at the Jewish community in New York which understood it as such. The rest of the country was never clued in that this was the case, even though Osama Bin Laden's videotapes made it fairly clear, when they weren't being censored into unintelligibility by our thoughtful federal government.

This may help explain why people like Simon and Goldberg and Horowitz and Dennis Miller are still so hysterical about the issue. They're taking it personally, and if you've ever perused the Old Testament, the current revenge scenario is nothing new. Unfortunately, the whole world is being dragged along on this vendetta and it's very creepy.

And of all the Mystery MacDonalds, John D. was my all-time favorite. Ross was good, but it was the same frigging story every time.

Oh, and cats probably like you because they know you're an Irish witch without a "familiar."

Scott Lemieux

Excellent post, although the fact that Simon wrote "Scenes From A Mall" must be relevant somehow.

It seems to be that the "South Park Republican" concept sits very uneasily next to the Senate Majority Leader speaking at "Justice Sunday"...

blue girl

Scott L: I would think so -- since my son told me last night that there's an episode where the Devil and Jesus beat each other up with sex toys!

harry near indy

as for ratching it up, as you say roger simon does, i refer you, readers, to the ann coulter horrorshow.

Margaret Romao Toigo

Context is such a wonderful thing. I came here from The American Street to read the rest of this post. The observations about the easy fame found in pandering to "frightened, bloodthirsty Right Wing loons" are most interesting and, sadly, accurate.

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