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A couple of months ago in Doonesbury Mike was interviewing Jimmy Thudpucker and they were talking about the future of the music biz. Thudpucker was quite positive that downloads would free artists from the tyranny of the labels, which seems to be a similar thought to Teachout's. Broader distribution, fewer costs (moral and financial), etc.

If books go away, where does my 2,500-volume collection go?


I blog cause I feel better after doing it, also, I like reading blogs as they have much more to offer than main stream media...

Your blog is high quality, enjoy that!


You hate cats? Now, that took some courage to admit. I also like, "I know! I'll bet the whole [Bush presidency] mess came about because nobody asked for my opinion. I'll fix that. Now nobody will have to ask!" I'm sure it really WAS all your fault so I'm glad you are now preventing evil with your incisive opinions.

And yes, printed material will always be around "because reading is still fundamentally a sensual experience." Makes me realize I need to get back to a piss-stained first-edition I got out of the San Francisco Public Library of "Bad Boy of Music," a 1945 autobiography of the American classical composer George Antheil. Though I'm only a quarter of the way through, it's funny, smart and HIGHLY recommended.


Formal reply at my place.
But, you devil, you tempt and tempt and tempt! Cat-Blogging - well, was that a - ahem - euphemism? Is that why Fafblog blogged Pie? And what about TBogg's Basset Blogging? Who will document these manners and mores?
And while I'm at it, the new *C&TCF* is a Tim Burton joint, so the Depp/MTM thing shouldn't surprise, Esp after *Ed Scissorhands* - and, not having read it, what did Willy look like in the book? I thought Wilder was brilliant in the first movie, but otherwise I think it's ugly and cheesy-looking - flat and garish. God, I hope this re-make is better, but some of the stuff I saw in the trailer gives me pause. Clockwork Orange meets the Candyman. O well...

The Heretik

Thanks for the kind words, Lance. I blog, therefore I am. Whatever I just blogged. Worse ways to live. I find the world in people who come my way. A sweet life is filled by an open heart.

And poetry? Poetry is where you find it.


SF Mike, you know what I hate most about cats?

They like me.

Won't leave me alone.

Because they know I don't like them. That's why they're evil. They're torturers.

Sometime I'll tell you how it's also my fault that Ronald Reagan was elected.


You didn't include the link.

There it is, folks. A good answer.

Denis, thanks.

Link, maybe we can open a museum. Your 2500 books and my 3000.

That was depressing just to type. No wonder my wife won't let me buy any new books.


Lance - we are still trying to figure out all the intricacies of this cross/back-linking thingy. Please don't be too harsh, just yet. You're the vet here!

And cats like your company - well, just shows how perverse they can be.

Trish Wilson

I had no idea you hated cats. I'll have to post extra pix on Friday Cat Blogging day just for you. ;)

Thanks for the congrats on my two short stories. I've also recently been published in Alternet, and I was interviewed by New York Times Magazine a few days ago. I know the NY Times Magazine article probably won't be to my liking, but I'm glad I got my voice out there.

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